Northwood Dental Presents… Our Patient’s Guide to Saving Teeth, Stopping Toothaches with Root Canal Therapy!
Dentists call this procedure (actually various procedures) Endodontic Therapy. The term we usually hear is root canals, a treatment misunderstood by most and dreaded by at least a few (or more).
In reality, the discomfort typically associated with this restorative treatment has to do with the toothache that prompts a dental office visit. And, putting off a dentist appointment can increase the painful, tooth-aching memories.
Northwood Dental is ready to change how you feel, and feel about root canal treatment, clinically known as endodontics. Dr. Brian Klym provides Northwood Dental patients with extremely essential endodontic treatment. His proficiency in RTC therapy can make toothaches a distant memory while preserving natural teeth.
Dr. Klym’s extensive experience and training in endodontics achieves for our patients an exceptional level of quality, efficiently and more affordably as well. His systematic approach and depth of training means patients are much less likely to have recurring infection or needing to have work redone.
Without a toothache, root canal treatment would rarely rise above the discomfort some might have experienced during a normal dental visit. Of course, Dr. Klym’s DOCS sedation certification and use of anxiety removing sedatives virtually assures patients will have painless and surprisingly pleasant treatment visits.
In addition, Dr. Klym makes ‘enhanced’ root canal therapy possible. The key characteristics of RTC Therapy:

- Expertise developed through comprehensive experience (endodontics, preventive, implants, cosmetic, sedation)
- Efficient convenience and precise treatment returns obvious savings (first time right)
- Superb success rate drastically reduces re-infection & return visits
- Meticulous examination and expert awareness effectively sideline failure (use of dental microscopes)
- Enhanced comfort and calm with sedation dentistry (when needed*)
*Because of the advanced methods we use, sedation is actually not requested as much as many would think.
In our NEXT installment of the Patient’s Guide to Root Canal Therapy: Details on how Dr. Klym achieves, ‘Done Right The First Time’ Results!