Northwood Dental wants to make this a season of confident smiles. Whether you live in the Traverse City area or anywhere in northwest Michigan, Dr. Klym and his team encourage you to consider Invisalign treatment: the clear alternative to braces.
Celebrate Spring with a brand-new smile for you or your loved one… a smile that will last a lifetime!
Read on to learn how you can SAVE during our Spring Special Invisalign Smile Event.
Spring is the time to refresh your smile and there is no better way than with Invisalign. If you’ve been putting off straightening your smile now is your chance to have the straight beautiful smile you deserve without anyone knowing you’re making a change.
Just call Northwood Dental and we will evaluate your smile at a no-charge Invisalign consultation.
Click Image to Enlarge.
Dr. Brian Klym is also an Invisalign Preferred Provider. To find out more about this designation, click here.
- $500 OFF Your Invisalign Treatment
- Payments as LOW as $169/Month with approved credit
- Complimentary Invisalign Consultation
- Discover what is possible!
Contact Northwood Dental Today. Call 231-947-7202.