Dr. Brian Klym is a 2010 Invisalign Preferred Provider Dentist. Traverse City area and northwest Michigan residents can now straighten their smiles without metal and in comfort with removable braces.

Being designated as a Preferred Provider by Invisalign means Dr. Klym has successfully completed multiple smile straightening treatments utilizing this orthodontic system.
Patients can find out more about how they can transform their smile with this advanced orthodontic therapy by scheduling a consultation with the Northwood Dental team.
While Other dentists can offer Invisalign, Dr. Klym is one of few Preferred Provider dentists in the northwestern region of Michigan.
Whether you are from Interlochen or Empire, Grawn or Glen Arbor, Thompsonville or Traverse City, the Northwood Dental Team can help you achieve your oral health goals.
CALL 231-947-7202
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